Why Do We Design Smiles?

We noticed that a lot of people could not smile, and hid their smile with their hands. However, smile is the key to self-confidence that initiates intimate relationships. It is a gateway to success in business life as well as in private life. As Impladent, we believe that knowing people and building a relationship with them is the greatest wealth in life. For this reason, we do our job with passion, pleasure, love and sincerity for a new smile that will last for a lifetime.


We noticed that a lot of people could not smile, and hid their smile with their hands. However, smile is the key to self-confidence that initiates intimate relationships. It is a gateway to success in business life as well as in private life. As Impladent, we believe that knowing people and building a relationship with them is the greatest wealth in life. For this reason, we do our job with passion, pleasure, love and sincerity for a new smile that will last for a lifetime.

What Is DIgItal SmIle DesIgn?

The tooth that drives to the mouth is at its best when it drives. As time passes, the teeth are exposed to trauma and acid, abrasions, enamel cracks, bruises and colorations starts to appear. The surface no longer keeps its brightness and integrity. This change is an irreversible aging process. It is not possible to cope with the process, but it is possible to stop it with this treatment protocol. In this way, the integrity, brightness, color, aesthetics can be provided back just like in the early times and the negative effects of the aging can be prevented with a protective approach.

How Is dIGITAL SmIle DesIgn Made?

  1. We start with video and photo shoots in a natural comfort environment where smiles cannot be hidden.
  2. We also try to learn more about you with applying personality analysis tests.
  3. We transfer photos and videos to an aesthetic computer program. Thanks to this program, we use the golden ratio formula on your face to determine the ideal tooth size for you.
  4. As a result of these studies, we prepare the most suitable design that reflects both your mathematical and your psychological being.
  5. At this stage called Mocap, you see how your teeth will look like without having a treatment done. We complete our work for your new smile in a short time such as 1 week. The first moments of your new smile are presented as a small video to you as a memory of your experience in our clinic.

What Treatment Methods Are Used In SmIle DesIgn?

  1. Pink aesthetics; The gums may not be symmetrical, there might be gummy smile or might be with grayish spots covered. These are corrected.
  2. Bleaching (Bleaching): If we can treat it without restoration, we will apply it.
  3. Lip Aesthetics; If it is not symmetrical or some volume is needed, than it can be made.
  4. Orthodontic treatment
  5. Laminates, porcelain veneers, zirconium crowns
  6. Bonding applications
  7. Implant

What KInd Of Results WIll Be AchIeved WIth SmIle DesIgn?

The teeth will be in their best state, that will represent your personality and appereance. The problems with the color of teeth are corrected. Lip, gum, tooth asymmetry is treated. The person will have the most appropriate set of teeth and smile.