The dental crown Made of ceramic, the dental crown is a prosthesis in the shape of a tooth covering, concealing and protecting a damaged and weakened tooth and which adapts perfectly to the dentition. Certainly, it is less aesthetic than the veneer, but it allows the tooth to regain its functional side. Above all, a crown makes it possible to make a tooth functional again and then aesthetic for a new smile. The care is thus more intrusive, the tooth having to be reduced or even devitalized. The crown is preferred in the case of irreversible caries, bruxism (grinding of the teeth wearing down the teeth), or to rebuild a broken or badly formed tooth. Less aesthetic and less expensive materials can be used for the crown, with ceramic remaining the material that best imitates the natural tooth.


The dental crown Made of ceramic, the dental crown is a prosthesis in the shape of a tooth covering, concealing and protecting a damaged and weakened tooth and which adapts perfectly to the dentition. Certainly, it is less aesthetic than the veneer, but it allows the tooth to regain its functional side. Above all, a crown makes it possible to make a tooth functional again and then aesthetic for a new smile. The care is thus more intrusive, the tooth having to be reduced or even devitalized. The crown is preferred in the case of irreversible caries, bruxism (grinding of the teeth wearing down the teeth), or to rebuild a broken or badly formed tooth. Less aesthetic and less expensive materials can be used for the crown, with ceramic remaining the material that best imitates the natural tooth.

The aesthetics of a smile is based on its harmony and balance, veneers allow you to erase the defects of your teeth, such as their shape, size, condition or color. They are recommended when patients have yellow teeth following the intake of certain antibiotics or an excess of fluoride. The whitening currently offered is not enough to redo your teeth, because in this case the tooth remains yellow, even if it is lighter.

It is also an adequate solution when patients have misaligned teeth. Unless you have very badly positioned teeth, the dental veneer makes it possible to remedy a minimal space of the teeth, to modify the shape or the alignment without resorting to long and sometimes painful orthodontics when it is done late. 

To have a beautiful smile, we are at your disposal to advise you on the best solution at Bellevue Institute.